Theorems Proved Using Height Extensions – Set Theory Examples


It's well known that forcing is more than a tool for proving independence: We can prove theorems and formulate axioms in theories like $\mathsf{ZFC}$ by moving to forcing extensions (e.g. $\mathfrak{p}=\mathfrak{t}$, remarkable cardinals, Todorčević and Farah's book "Some applications of the method of forcing"). Are there nice examples of theorems/axioms that use "height" extensions (i.e. where we use "ordinals" longer than $\mathit{Ord}$ or where the resources required are strictly greater than second-order etc.) to prove some result in $\mathsf{ZFC}$ (or an extension thereof) or about the ground model? (From here on, let "height extension of $M$" denote any model $M'$ such that $\mathit{Ord}^M \in M'$).

Some uses that occur to me:

  1. Uses of $\mathsf{ETR}$ in class theory (e.g. using iterated truth predicates and the connection to determinacy for class games, cf. Gitman and Hamkins "Open Determinacy for Class Games").

  2. #-generation. This is a technical axiom to state, so I won't do so here, the core point is that we capture reflection properties of some model $M$ by taking it to be an initial segment of a model $M'$ generated by an ultrapower construction (this ultrapower, in turn, may be longer than $\mathit{Ord}^M$). See Honzik and Friedman "On Strong Forms of Reflection in Set Theory" for details.

  3. There are useful definable well-order longer than $\mathit{Ord}$ (e.g. the ordering on mice).

I am curious as to whether the use of such "height" extensions pops up a lot in set-theoretic practice, and whether its as useful/ubiquitous as the use of forcing in proving theorems and formulating axioms (beyond relative consistency).

Best Answer

Here is another instance, which appears in my recent paper with Bokai Yao on second-order reflection in the context of KMU with abundant urelements.

The following theorem is an immediate consequence of the main theorem.

Theorem. Assume Kelley-Morse set theory with urelements KMU, with the abundant atom axiom and second-order reflection. Then there is a stationary proper class of measurable cardinals, partially supercompact cardinals, and more.

I mention the theorem because the main proof method is to undertake the unrolling construction, which produces sets at ranks higher than Ord.

enter image description here

Starting at lower right in the model $\langle V(A),\in,\mathcal{V}\rangle$ in which the hypothesis is satisfied, we undertake unrolling to produce the models $W$ and $\bar V$, in which there is a supercompact cardinal. In fact, it is the cardinal $\kappa=\text{Ord}^V$ that becomes supercompact in these taller models. And the supercompactness of $\kappa$ in $\bar V$ and $W$ reflects to diverse consequences in the original universe $V(A)$ and its class of pure sets $V$, such as a stationary proper class of measurable and partially supercompact cardinals, as much supercompactness as desired.

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