Category Theory – Are Differential Rings Monoids in a Monoidal Category?


$\newcommand{\pt}{\mathrm{pt}}\newcommand{\N}{\mathbb{N}}\newcommand{\Z}{\mathbb{Z}}$A number of algebraic structures can be defined as monoids in some appropriate monoidal category:

  • A monoid is a monoid in $(\mathsf{Sets},\times,\pt)$;
  • A semiring is a monoid in $(\mathsf{CMon},\otimes_{\N},\N)$;
  • A ring is a monoid in $(\mathsf{Ab},\otimes_\Z,\Z)$;
  • An $R$-algebra is a monoid in $(\mathsf{Mod}_R,\otimes_R,R)$;
  • A graded $R$-algebra is a monoid in $(\mathsf{Gr}_\Z\mathsf{Mod}_R,\otimes_R,R)$;
  • A differential graded $R$-algebra is a monoid in $(\mathsf{Ch}_\bullet(\mathsf{Mod}_R),\otimes_R,R)$.

Is this also the case for differential rings?

Best Answer

$\newcommand{\defeq}{\overset{\mathrm{def}}{=}}\newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\newcommand{\Mod}{\mathrm{Mod}}\newcommand{\pt}{\mathrm{pt}}\newcommand{\N}{\mathbb{N}}\newcommand{\Z}{\mathbb{Z}}\newcommand{\d}{\mathrm{d}}\newcommand{\dAb}{\mathsf{End}(\mathsf{Ab})}$DGAs are monoids in chain complexes. To get differential rings as monoids in some monoidal category, it suffices to remove the grading and the $\d^{2}=0$ condition.

In detail, consider the category $\mathsf{End}(\mathsf{Ab})\defeq\mathsf{Fun}(\mathbf{B}\N,\mathsf{Ab})$ whose

  • Objects are pairs $(A,\d)$ with $A$ an abelian group and $d\colon A\to A$ a morphism of abelian groups.
  • Morphisms $(A,\d_A)\to(B,\d_B)$ are morphisms of abelian groups preserving the derivation, i.e. such that the diagram $$ \require{AMScd} \begin{CD} A @>\d_A>> A\\ @V f V V @VV f V\\ B @>>\d_B> B \end{CD} $$ commutes.

We can then put a monoidal structure $\otimes_\Z$ on $\dAb$ by defining $$(A,\d_A)\otimes(B,\d_B)=(A\otimes_\Z B,\d_A\otimes_\Z1_B+1_A\otimes_\Z\d_B),$$ where the unit is given by the pair $(\Z,\d_\Z)$ with $\d_\Z\overset{\mathrm{def}}{=} 0$. Note that a morphism in $\dAb$ from $(\Z,\d_\Z)$ to $(A,\d_A)$ is just a "constant" element of $A$, i.e. an element with $\d_A a = 0$.

A monoid in $(\dAb,\otimes_\Z,(\Z,\d_\Z))$ will then be a triple $((A,\d),\mu,\eta)$ with

  • $(A,\d)$ an object of $\dAb$; this accounts for the underlying additive abelian group of a differential ring and the derivation $\d$, which is $\Z$-linear;
  • $\mu\colon(A,\d_A)\otimes_\Z(A,\d_A)\to(A,\d_A)$ a morphism of $\dAb$; this accounts for the multipication and the Leibniz rule: asking for the diagram $$ \require{AMScd} \begin{CD} A\otimes_\Z A @>\d_A\otimes_\Z1_A+1_A\otimes_\Z\d_A>> A\otimes_\Z A\\ @V \mu V V @VV \mu V\\ A @>>\d_A> A \end{CD} $$ to commute is equivalent to asking $$\d(ab)=\d(a)b+a\d(b)$$ to hold for all $a,b\in A$;
  • $\eta\colon(\Z,\d_\Z)\to(A,\d_A)$ a morphism of $\dAb$, determining an element $1_A$ of $A$;

such that the usual associativity and unitality diagrams commute, which makes $(A,\mu,\eta)$ into a ring, and together with $\d$, this makes the quadruple $((A,\d),\mu,\eta)$ into a differential ring.

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