General Topology – Are All Retracts and Compacts Closed?


I want to follow the discussion from here concerning about the strength of the separation "all retract subspaces are closed".

(A retract subspace of a topological space $X$ is a subspace $A$ where there exists continuous $f: X\to A$ such that $f|_A = \mathrm{id}_A$.)

Write $\mathrm{KC}$ as "all compact subsets are closed", and $\mathrm{RC}$ as "all retract subspaces are closed". We have $T_2\Rightarrow \mathrm{KC}$, $T_2\Rightarrow \mathrm{RC}$ and neither of the reversed implications. The cocountable topology over $\mathbb{R}$ is a $\mathrm{KC}$ example not $\mathrm{RC}$: $f(x) = |x|$ is a continuous function from $\mathbb{R}$ with cocountable topology to its subspace $[0,+\infty)$ since the preimages of countable sets are countable, but $[0,+\infty)$ is certainly not closed.

So I would like to ask if $\mathrm{RC}$ implies $\mathrm{KC}$, because the only $\mathrm{RC}$ non-Hausdorff spaces I know are those compact $\mathrm{KC}$ spaces (note that compact $\mathrm{KC}$ implies $\mathrm{RC}$). Any help appreciated.

Best Answer

RC does not imply KC: in this paper Banakh and Stelmakh construct a semi-Hausdorff countable Brown space $X$ which is strongly rigid (and hence $X$ has $RC$) and contains a non-closed compact subset (so, $X$ fails to have $KC$).

This example also shows that $KC$ does not follow from the semi-Hausdorff property, which is intermediate between $T_1$ and $T_2$.

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