Adelization of Automorphic Forms for Higher Class Number – Number Theory


Short version: is there a canonical way to adelize a classical Hecke eigenform automorphic form when the adelic quotient has many components? If not, what are the different "choices", how many, etc.?

Some sketched details: Let $A$ be a central simple algebra over a number field $F$, e.g. $A$ is the matrix algebra over $F$. Let $\mathcal{O} \subset A$ be an order, e.g. the matrix ring over the ring of integers $\mathfrak{o}$ of $F$. The adelic quotient $A^\times \backslash \hat{A}^\times / \hat{\mathcal{O}}^\times$ is (assuming some Eichler condition) a disjoint union parametrised by the class group $F^\times_{>0} \backslash \hat{F}^\times / \operatorname{nr}(\hat{\mathcal{O}}^\times)$ (see Thm. 28.5.5 in Voight's Quaternion Algebras). This class group can be non-trivial if $F$ has non-trivial narrow class group or if the order $\mathcal{O}$ is small, more precisely if the image of the local norm $\operatorname{nr}(\mathcal{O}^\times_\mathfrak{p})$ fails to be the whole unit group $\mathfrak{o}_\mathfrak{p}^\times$, where $\mathfrak{p}$ is a prime of $F$.

Each such component corresponds to a locally symmetric space (e.g. for quaternion algebras this would be an arithmetic quotient of the upper half plane). In this way, each adelic automorphic form is given by a tuple of classical automorphic forms on these components (see e.g. Shimura's 1978 Hilbert modular forms paper).

If one has a classical automorphic form on one of these components and we assume that it is also a Hecke eigenform, then is there a canonical way to choose forms on the other components so that the corresponding adelic form is a Hecke eigenform. Of course, Hecke eigenform here has two meanings, referring to the classical and to the global Hecke algebra accordingly. Are there any references for this?

Best Answer

$\newcommand{\p}{\mathfrak{p}}$Let $C$ be the class group parametrising the components, say $X = \bigcup_{c\in C}X_c$. Then the Hecke operator $T_\p$ sends component $X_c$ to $X_{c\p}$. In particular, the Hecke operators preserving the components are the $T_\p$ where the class of $\p$ in $C$ is trivial. If $f$ is an eigenform on one component $X_c$, then you can extend it by $0$ on the other components, but that is usually not going to be an eigenform for the whole Hecke algebra. If you look at the automorphic representation generated by this extension, it will in general not be irreducible, but it is going to be a finite sum $\bigoplus_{\chi}\pi\otimes\chi$ where $\pi$ is an automorphic representation and $\chi$ ranges over some subset of the characters of $C$.

Proof of the last statement: Let $\pi$ and $\pi'$ be two irreducible representations occurring in the decomposition of the representation generated by $f$. Then the $T_\p$-eigenvalues of $\bigoplus_{\chi \in C}\pi \otimes \chi$ and $\bigoplus_{\chi \in C}\pi' \otimes \chi$ agree for almost all $\p$ (determined by $f$ if the class of $\p$ is trivial in $C$, and $0$ otherwise), so these representations are isomorphic, and $\pi'$ is one of the $\pi\otimes\chi$. Together with the multiplicity one theorem, this proves the claim.

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