Zoo 4 lions 7 tigers animal Counting problem, cage arrangement with restriction


There are 4 lions and 7 tigers in a zoo. Each of them is put into a cage and the 11 cages are arranged in a row. Find the number of possible arrangements if only 3 lions are arranged next to each other, and the animals in the leftmost cage and the rightmost cage are tigers.


Each animals are assumed to be different.

The left term is that,
firstly 2 tigers are picked from the 7 tigers.
Then group 3 lions together, picked from the 4.
Within the group of lion, they can arrange themselves so there would be $P_3^4$
So in the middle there would be 5 tigers, 1 lion and a group of 3 lions, total 7 entries.

In order to eliminate the case where 4 lions are together, the right term are subtracted from the left.
firstly 2 tigers are picked from the 7 tigers.
then all 4 lions are grouped together.
So in the middle there would be 5 tigers and a group of 4 lions, total 6 entries.

$$P_2^7 * P_7^7 * P_3^4 – P_2^7 * P_6^6 * P_4^4$$

$$= 42 * 5040 * 24 – 42 * 720 * 24$$

$$= 4354560.$$

But the correct answer is $3628800.$

I am unable to figure out why, could anyone help please?

Best Answer

The error is that there are twice as many ways to get a 4-lions-in-a-row situation as are being counted here.

To see this, let's consider a situation in which all four lions are together, in the order $ABCD$. There's two ways to get this in the group-of-three-lions method: we could have had $ABC$ as the group of three lions, and $D$ alone, and $D$ is to the right of $ABC$... or we could have $BCD$ as the group of three lions, and $A$ alone, and $A$ is to the left of $BCD$. Both of these scenarios are counted once in the three-lions method, so both must be removed when excluding this case: you have $5040 - 720 = 4320$ cases (with indistinguishable creatures) but it should be $5040-2\cdot720 = 3600$.