Zeroes of non-zero holomorphic function form an atmost countable set


One of my assignment questions which I could not solve was following.

Question : If f is a holomorphic function on a region X which is not identically zero show that the zeroes of the function form an atmost countable set .

I was confused while solving the question . So I search MSE and found this solution :

Holomorphic function has at most countably zeros

Answer of User : Daniel Roberts says:"If the set {z∈U|f(z)=0} were uncountable, then it would have an accumulation point "

My question: Why any uncountable set must have a limit point ? Can anyone please give a rigorious proof.

Best Answer

Let $U$ be an infinite uncountable subset of $\Bbb C$. If $n\in\Bbb N$, let $U_n=U\cap\{z\in\Bbb C\mid|z|\leqslant n\}$. Suppose that $U_n$ is infinite. Then, since $U_n\subset\{z\in\Bbb C\mid|z|\leqslant n\}$ and since this last set is compact, $U_n$ has an accumulation there and, in particular, $U$ has an accumulation point.

So, if $U$ had no accumulation point, each $U_n$ would be finite. But $U=\bigcup_{n\in\Bbb N}U_n$ and therefore $U$ would be countable.