$xy<1 \iff \text{arctan }x + \text{arctan }y \in (-\pi/2,\pi/2)$


Is this claim true?

$$xy<1 \iff \text{arctan }x + \text{arctan }y \in (-\pi/2,\pi/2)$$

If so, how to prove?

I was led to this while trying to figure out the Addition Formula for Arctangent. I've looked at many questions and answers about that Formula but don't seem to have come across a proof of the above claim.

Best Answer

It is enough to prove that $\arctan x+\arctan y <\pi/2$ since we can change $x$ to $-x$ and $y $ to $-y$ to get the lower bound.

Let $y >0$. Now $\arctan x+\arctan y$ is a strictly increasing function of $x$ so it is enough to prove that $\arctan y+\arctan \frac 1y \leq \pi /2$. You can check that the derivative of the left side is negative for $y <1$ positive for $y>1$. Hence the minimum value is attained when $y=1$. But the value when $y=1$ is $\frac {\pi} 4+\frac {\pi} 4=\frac {\pi} 2$.

I will leave the case $y <0$ to you.