$+:X\times X\to X,(x,y)\mapsto +(x,y)=x+y$ and $\cdot:\Bbb{R}\times X\to X,(\lambda,x)\mapsto \cdot(\lambda,y)=\lambda\cdot x$ are weakly continuous


$$+:X\times X\to X,\\(x,y)\mapsto +(x,y)=x+y$$ and $$\cdot:\Bbb{R}\times X\to X,\\(x,y)\mapsto \cdot(\lambda,y)=\lambda\cdot x$$ are weakly continuous, where $X$ is an infinite dimensional normed linear space.

My trial

Define for $\;i=1,2,$ \begin{align}\phi_i:(X,&\omega)\to (X\times X,\tau_X\times \tau_X),\\&x\mapsto \phi_i(x)=(x,y) \end{align} where $\omega$ is the weak topology on $E$. By definition of product topology, $\phi_i$ for $\;i=1,2,$ is continuous. So, \begin{align}+\circ \phi_i:(X,&\omega)\to (X,\tau_X)\\&x\mapsto x+y \end{align}
is weakly continuous.

Similarly, for $\;i=1,2,$ define \begin{align}\phi_i:(X,&\omega)\to (\Bbb{R}\times X,|\cdot|\times \tau_X),\\&x\mapsto \phi_i(x)=(x,y). \end{align} By definition of product topology, $\phi_i$ for $\;i=1,2,$ is continuous. So, \begin{align}\cdot\circ \phi_i:(X,&\omega)\to (X,\tau_X)\\&x\mapsto \lambda\cdot x \end{align}
is weakly continuous.

Please, I'm I right? If yes, can you please explain it to me clearly? If I'm wrong, can you please, provide another proof? I'm new to weak topology.

Best Answer

The correct argument is as follows. Let $\phi\in X^*$. Then $\phi(x+y) = \phi(x)+\phi(y)$ is continuous, since $+ : \Bbb{R}^2\to\Bbb{R}$ and $\phi$ are continuous. Hence $+$ is weakly continuous, since by the characteristic property of the weak (initial) topology, to check that a function $g:Z\to X$ is continuous (for the weak topology on $X$), it suffices to show that $\phi\circ g$ is continuous for all $\phi\in X^*$.

To draw a commutative diagram, what is going on is that we are doing the following: $$\require{AMScd}\begin{CD} X\times X & @>+>> X \\ @V\phi\times \phi VV @VV\phi V\\ \Bbb{R}\times \Bbb{R}@>+>>\Bbb{R} \end{CD} $$ We use the commutativity of this square to convert the function we want to know about, $\phi\circ +$, into $+\circ \phi\times\phi$, which we already know is continuous.

Similarly, $\phi(\lambda x) =\lambda \phi(x)$, which is continuous since multiplication in $\Bbb{R}$ and $\phi$ are both continuous. Thus $\cdot : \Bbb{R}\times X\to X$ is weakly continuous.

For more detail on this method of checking weak continuity, see the wiki article for the initial topology. It might also be worth looking at the wiki article on the weak topology as well.