$X_n$ ($n\ge1)$ is sequence of real numbers such that $\lim_{n \to \infty}{\frac{x_n}{n}}=0.001$ then


if $X_n$ ($n\ge1)$ is sequence of real numbers such that $\lim_{n \to \infty}{\frac{x_n}{n}}=0.001$ then,

$(A)\ \ X_n$ is a bounded sequence

$(B)\ \ X_n$ is a unbounded sequence

$(C)\ \ X_n$ is a Convvergent sequence

$(D)\ \ X_n$ is a monotonically decreasing sequence

I can only think of this particular case.

$\text{convergent sequence}\cdot \frac{1}{n}=\text{convergent sequence}\cdot \text{convergent sequence} =$finite limit

Therefore it is convergent but I think its not a correct way to solve this problem.

How do I figure out what is our sequence behavior just on the basis of limits provided?

Best Answer

In the comments you considered the example $x_n = 0.001 n$ and that correctly eliminated choices A, C, D. So B is the only remaining choice.

It is useful to know why B holds true, that is, why any sequence $\{x_n\}$ that satisfies $x_n/n\rightarrow 0.001$ must be unbounded. Knowing that it is true for a particular example is not good enough. One way to explore this is through "proof by contradiction": Assume $\{x_n\}_{n=1}^{\infty}$ is bounded, so that there is a finite number $M$ such that $$ -M \leq x_n \leq M \quad \forall n \in \{1, 2, 3, ...\}$$ Now reach a contradiction with the assumption $x_n/n\rightarrow 0.001$.