$X’$ finite-dimensional implies $X$ finite-dimensional


How would one prove, for any normed space $X$ that if $X'$ is finite dimensional, then $X$ is finite-dimensional? Here $X'$ denotes the space of all bounded functionals $f: X \to\mathbb F$

If anyone would give me a hint, no need for full answer. I really don't know where to start.

Appreciate all the answers.

Best Answer

Since $X'$ is finite dimensional we can choose a basis $x_1', \cdots, x_n'$ of $X'$. The vectors $(x_i'')_{i \in \{1, \cdots, n \}}$ defined by $x_i''(x_j') = \delta_{ij}$ are a basis of $X''$. This means $X''$ is finite dimensional too. The canonical inclusion $J: X \to X''$ defined by $$Jx: X' \to \mathbb{K}, \ (Jx)(x') := x'(x)$$ is injective we get $\dim(X) \leq \dim(X'') < \infty.$

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