Writing Cubic Equation in terms of discriminant (with possible shifts and translations)


So I noticed this fact for the following fact for quadratic equations. I need one notation that if one equation can be gotten from another through a shift or scaling of variable then I will denote them as equivalent, using the symbol $\leftrightarrow$ :

\begin{align}( ax^{2}+bx+c&\leftrightarrow 4a[( ax^{2}+bx+c )] = ( 4a^{2}x^{2}+4abx+4ac ) = [(2ax)^{2} + 2b(2ax) + 4ac]\\&\leftrightarrow x^{2}+2bx+4ac\\& \leftrightarrow [(x-b)^{2} + 2b(x-b) + 4ac ] = x^{2} – (b^{2}-4ac) \end{align}

This means we have managed to show $( ax^{2}+bx+c ) \leftrightarrow x^{2} – r$ , where r is discriminant.

I was wondering if we could do something similar for depressed cubic ( $ x^{3} + px + q) $ and relate its discriminant ( $ -4p^{3} – 27q^{2} $ ) through the same process of shifting and scaling of the variable 'x'.

Best Answer

No, we cannot. If a cubic equation is equivalent to an equation of the form $x^3-r$, then either it has only one root (if $r=0$) or it has $3$ distinct roots (if $r\neq0$). But then consider the equation $x^3-3x+2$, which has $2$ roots: $1$ and $-2$.

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