Write exactly one of us is telling the truth? (Liars and truthtellers)


I have a question regarding a version of the truthtellers and liars puzzle which I haven't seen anywhere before.

I'm stranded on an island and I know that this island has cannibals, but I don't know how to distingush between who are cannibals and who aren't. I run into three people on the island, A,B,C, and I ask them: "How many of you are truthtellers?" And A responds "flop flip" in his own native language. I then ask what it means, and B then says "It means only one" whereafter C says: "Don't trust B she is lying. Come with me I'm not a cannibal." How do I know what to do?

I want to set this up in a truth table, but I don't know how to formalize "only one of us is a truthteller" into logic.

Best Answer

If the question is should you come with $C$ or not then the answer is yes, you should. Just split into cases.

Assume $A$ is telling the truth. Then you know $B$ is lying, because if he was telling the truth then you would get that $A$ really told you only $1$ of them is telling the truth (which you assumed is true) which is a contradiction to that both $A$ and $B$ are telling the truth. So $B$ is lying and $A$ actually told you more than $1$ of them is telling the truth (he couldn't say none of them is telling the truth because he is telling the truth himself). So in that case $C$ is telling the truth and he is not a cannibal.

Now assume $A$ is lying and $B$ is telling the truth. We'll show this case is not even possible. In that case $A$ really told you only $1$ is telling the truth, but this is a lie. As you assumed that $B$ is telling the truth then you get that more than $1$ of them is telling the truth. So $C$ must be telling the truth. But then his words that $B$ is lying are the truth which is a contradiction to that $B$ is telling the truth. So this case isn't possible.

Finally assume that both $A$ and $B$ are lying. If you assume $C$ is lying then his words that "$B$ is lying" are a lie and $B$ is actually telling the truth. Once again a contradiction. So again $C$ is telling the truth and is not a cannibal.

So anyway, we can conclude that $B$ is always lying and $C$ is always telling the truth.

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