Without calculator prove that $9^{\sqrt{2}} < \sqrt{2}^9$


Without calculator prove that $9^{\sqrt{2}} < \sqrt{2}^9$.

My effort: I tried using the fact $9^{\sqrt{2}}<9^{1.5}=27.$

Also We have $512 <729 \Rightarrow 2^9<27^2 \Rightarrow 2^{\frac{9}{2}}<27 \Rightarrow \sqrt{2}^9=2^{4.5}<27$. But both are below $27$.

Best Answer

Remark: @achille hui posted a similar proof. But we got them independently.

The desired inequality is written as $$3^{2\sqrt 2} < (2\sqrt 2)^3$$ or $$2\sqrt 2\, \ln 3 < 3\ln (2\sqrt 2)$$ or $$\frac{\ln 3}{3} < \frac{\ln(2\sqrt 2)}{2\sqrt 2}. \tag{1}$$

Let $$f(x) := \frac{\ln x}{x}.$$ We have $$f'(x) = \frac{1 - \ln x}{x^2}.$$ Thus, $f'(x) < 0$ on $(\mathrm{e}, \infty)$.

Since $\mathrm{e} < 2\sqrt 2 < 3$, (1) is true.

We are done.