Trigonometry – Why Sine of Sine Wave Returns Cubic Sine Wave


First of all, I'm not a mathematician but a programmer interested in shaders (and thus, applied vector, trigonometric and graph maths) so bear with me.
Recently, trying to create a interpolation of a linear input (from 0 to 1) I found out that a sine of a sine (sin(sin(x)) returns a sort of "cubic" sine.

For example, in a graph, if we input a sine wave function we have a cyclic function that, to me, has a sort of exponential characteristic to it (even though I'm not able to justify it mathematically, it looks like sin(x) is x^2 but cyclic.

Now, I'm aware of the relationship of sine waves and the circle, and in fact, what I was looking for was the wave function of a rounded square, rather than a perfect circle, and I don't understand why sin(sin(x)) gives back that (apparent) wave.

What I am asking is, if sin(x) looks like this:

Sine Wave

why sin(sin(x)) looks like this:

Not-Sine Wave

Or sin(sin(sin(sin(x)))) looks like this:

Very-Not-Sine wave

Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

The $n$-th iterate of sine (denoted $\sin^{(n)}$) has been studied in great detail by N.G. de Bruijn, Asymptotic Methods in Analysis, pages 157–166. He finds, for $0<x<\pi$, that $$\sin^{(n)}x=\sqrt{\frac{3}{n}}\biggl(1-\tfrac{3}{10}n^{-1}\ln n+{\cal O}(n^{-1})\biggr),$$ so independent of $x$ to leading order in $n$.
This confirms the finding by Michael Hardy, that the iterated sign normalized by its maximum converges to unity.