Why the proof of existence of Riemannian metric does not apply to pseudo Riemannian metric


I just looked on the proof in Wikipedia Existence of Riemannian metric on smooth manifold, but I don’t see why this proof failed for pseudo-Riemannian metric, could anyone point out why this is not applicable for pseudo-Riemannian metric?

Best Answer

It fails even at the pointwise level: in the Riemannian case, $$\tag{1} \sum_\beta \tau_\beta g_\beta$$ is always positive definite since $g_\beta >0$, $\tau _\beta \ge 0$ and $\tau_{\beta_0} >0$ for some $\beta_0$. But if each $g_\beta$ is only non-degenerate, then (1) might give you a degenerate symmetric two tensor.

Related question about the existence of Puesdo Riemannian metric: here