Why the Poisson and Binomial distributions are approximately normal

binomial distributionnormal distributionpoisson distributionprobability distributions

Why the Poisson distribution P(n) and Binomial distribution B(n, p) are approximately
normal if n is a large positive integer and p ∈ (0, 1) is fixed? I found the examples of normal approximations, but didn't find the explanation why does it work and what will be the parameters of these approximations respectively.

Best Answer

  1. Let's start with the question on Binomial.

As you probabily know, the binomial distribution can be expressed as the sum of $n$ independent Bernoulli. Then you can apply the central limit theorem in the version of De Moivre Laplace

  1. As per the Poisson is concerned, it can be wiewed a limit Law of the binomial thus what explained in 1. is still valid (when $n$ is great enough)

Both statement in 1. and 2. can be easily proved with MGF's properties

Proof of 2.

Setting $p=\frac{\theta}{n}$ the MGF of a Binomial $B(n;p)$ is the following


It is evident that

$$\lim\limits_{n \to \infty}\Big[1+\frac{\theta(e^t-1)}{n}\Big]^n=e^{\theta(e^t-1)}$$

Which is exactly the MGF of a Poisson distribution.

Proof of 1.

simply multiply n times MGF of the $B(1;p)$ and see that the result is the MGF of the $B(n;p)$

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