Why the cardioid shows up in the Mandelbrot set


How does the main cardioid appear in the Mandelbrot set? I also wonder why something "weird" happens at a point with coordinate 2 on the actual coordinate line, I mean why is the point a sort of bounding point? (this question has already been raised, but I have not found a clear answer)

Best Answer

Not responding to the cardioid question. Responding to the $|z| > 2$ implies divergence question.

Let $c = z_0 = x+\mathrm{i} y$ be the starting point for an iteration with the distance between $z_0$ and the origin greater than $2$. That is, $|z_0| = \sqrt{x^2 + y^2} > 2$. It is convenient to also represent this point in polar coordinates, $z_0 = |z_0| \mathrm{e}^{\mathrm{i} \theta_0}$, where $\theta$ is the angle on the plane to the point, measured anticlockwise from the positive real axis.

Applying the iteration for the Mandelbrot set, we get the point $$ z_1 = z_0^2 + c = |z_0|^2 \mathrm{e}^{\mathrm{i} 2\theta_0} + |z_0| \mathrm{e}^{\mathrm{i} \theta_0} $$ This is the sum of two complex numbers. The first has polar angle $2\theta_0$ and the second has polar angle $\theta_0$. Let's be a little lazy and not try to figure out how those two angles are related, but just try to find out the range of things that could happen using the triangle inequality.

triangle inequality

If $2\theta_0$ and $\theta_0$ point in opposite directions (are antiparallel), the sum gives the shortest length it can: $$ \text{shortest case}: |z_1| \geq |z_0|^2 - |z_0| = (|z_0| - 1) |z_0| \text{.} $$ Since $|z_0| > 2$, this is the product of a number bigger than $1$ with $|z_0|$, so is a number bigger than $|z_0|$.

If $2\theta_0$ and $\theta_0$ point in the same direction (are parallel), the sum gives the longest length it can: $$ \text{longest case}: |z_1| \leq |z_0|^2 + |z_0| = (|z_0| + 1) |z_0| \text{.} $$ Since $|z_0| > 2$, this is the product of a number bigger than $3$ with $|z_0|$, so is a number bigger than $|z_0|$.

If $2\theta$ and $\theta$ point in less special directions, the length is between the two above, so is still a number bigger than $|z_0|$.

What we have shown is that if your starting point has $|z_0| > 2$, then $|z_1| > |z_0| > 2$. We can continue the analysis and discover $|z_2| > |z_1|$, then $|z_3| > |z_2|$. This tells us we have an increasing sequence of radii. It is not quite enough to show that the sequence of radii diverge. For that we have to show that the amounts of increase don't eventually decrease to zero. (If the radii have to increase by increasing amounts, the radii will ultimately diverge to infinity.) So let's look at that iteration more carefully.

To remind, $|z_{i+1}| > |z_i| > 2$ for $0 \leq i \leq n$. Suppose $|z_n| = 2+\varepsilon$, where $\varepsilon > 0$, so we have a name for how far above $2$ we are at this step. As above, we have $$ (|z_n| - 1)|z_n| < |z_{n+1}| \text{.} $$ We examine \begin{align*} (|z_n| - 1)|z_n| &= (1+\varepsilon)(2+\varepsilon) \\ &= 2 + 3\varepsilon +\varepsilon^2 \text{.} \end{align*} When $\varepsilon$ is small, its square is very small, so when the radius is just above $2$, we triple the distance above $2$ on every iteration. When $\varepsilon$ is large, its square is larger than its triple, so when the radius is far above $2$, we square the distance above $2$ on every iteration. In any case, for a starting point with radius greater than $2$, the sequence of radii of its iterates increases, more and more rapidly, diverging to infinity.