Why symmetry transformations must have inverses (i.e they must be bijective)


A symmetry transformation is a transformation which maps a geometric object to itself. And as far as i know, the definition of a group stems from their properties. (As the definition of the equivalence relations stems from the properties of equality: Since there is no other way of objectively defining concept of equality. Same holds true for the concept of symmetry)

So, combining any two symmetry transformation gives us another symmetry transformation, i.e. set of symmetry transformations is closed (which is very intuitive)

We have an identity element ($T_x = x$ kind of transformation, which also very intuitive). And we know that operation must be associative (since function composition is).

But then we say any symmetry transformation (or group element) must have an inverse (i.e must be a bijection). Why is this? This is not obvious at all. Can anyone please explain this?

Best Answer

According to Schwartzman's The Words of Mathematics:

symmetric (adjective), symmetry (noun): the first element is from Greek sun- "together with," from the Indo-European root ksun "with." The second element is from Greek metron "a measure." The Indo-European root is probably me- "to measure." Suppose two points are symmetric with respect to a line; if you measure the distance between one of the points and the line of symmetry, then "together with" that measurement you have simultaneously also measured the distance between the other point and the line of symmetry; the two distances are equal.

So the root of the word concerns how multiple things share the same measurement. This concept is itself symmetric under exchanging the things being measured. There is no preference for transforming $x\mapsto y$ over the reverse direction $y\mapsto x$; both should be equally possible.

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