Why normal convergence implies uniform convergence


Suppose the series $\sum_{n\in\mathbb N}f_n(x)$ converge normaly. Why it converge uniformly ?


Let $$f(x)=\sum_{n\in\mathbb N}f_n(x).$$

I know that there is $(u_n)$ s.t. $|f_n(x)|\leq u_n$ and $\sum_{n\in\mathbb N}u_n$ converge. But I don't see how can I get that $$\lim_{n\to \infty}\sup_x \left|\sum_{k=1}^n f_k(x)-f(x)\right|=0.$$

Best Answer

In view of the definition of $f(x)$ we have $$ \left| \sum\limits_{k=1}^n f_k (x) - f(x) \right| = \left| \sum\limits_{k=n+1}^\infty f_k (x) \right| \leq \sum\limits_{k=n+1}^\infty |f_k(x)| \leq \sum\limits_{k=n+1}^\infty u_k \to 0 \text{ as } n\to \infty. $$ The last estimate is independent of $x$, hence the claim.

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