Why $\langle 2\rangle =\langle 2,6 \rangle$


I have some confusion on this post

Give an example where $A \subseteq B$ with $A \neq B,$ but $\left\langle A\right\rangle= \left\langle B\right\rangle.$

It is written that if we take $G= ( \mathbb{Z},+)$ , $A=\{2\}$ and $B=\{2,6\}$
Then $\langle A \rangle =\langle B \rangle$

My thinking: Here both $A$ and $B$ generating set are different. So $\langle A \rangle \neq\langle B \rangle$

$A=\langle 2\rangle = \{ 2n \mid n \in \mathbb{Z}\}$

$B=\langle 2,6 \rangle =\{ 12n \mid n \in \mathbb{Z}\}$

My question: why is it that $\langle 2\rangle =\langle 2,6 \rangle$ ?

Best Answer

You're wrong on what $B$ is. It is the set generated by both $2$ and $6$ individually. So instead

$$B = \left\{ 2n + 6m \mid n,m \in \Bbb Z \right\}$$

Of course, since a multiple of $6$ is a multiple of $2$ as well, we see $A=B$.

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