Why is this sequence of random variables pairwise independent

independencemeasure-theoryprobability theory

I have a sequence $(X_n: \Omega \to \mathbb{R})_{n=1}^\infty$ of pairwise independent random variables.

Define for $n \geq 1: X_n' := X_n I_{\{X_n \leq n\}}$ where $I_A$ is the indicator function on $A$. Is it true that $(X_n')_{n=1}^\infty$ is a sequence of pairwise independent random variables?

Intuitively, this seems true. I know that pairwise independence is preserved under a Borel transformation $g: \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$ so I tried to write

$$X_n' = g \circ X_n$$

for some suitable $g$ but did not come up with anything useful. Any hints?

Best Answer

Try $$ g_n\colon x\mapsto x\mathbf 1_{\left[-\infty,n\right]}(x). $$