Why is this differential injective? Lee Smooth Manifolds Proposition 5.3


I'm trying to understand the following line in the proof to Proposition 5.3 in john M. Lee's 'Introduction to Smooth Manifolds':

"Because the projection $\pi_M : M \times N \rightarrow M$ satisfies $\pi_M \circ \gamma_f(x) = x$ for each $x \in U$ (where $U$) is an open subset of $M$, so the composition $d(\pi_M)_{(x, f(x))} \circ d\gamma_x$ is the identity map on $T_x M$ for each $ \in U$. Thus $d(\gamma)_x$ is injective."

This is a silly question (apologies in advance), but why does the composition being the identity imply that $d(\gamma)_x$ is injective?

Best Answer

This is true in general: If $f\colon X \to Y$ and $g\colon Y \to X$ are two functions satisfying

$$ g\circ f = \operatorname{id}_X, $$ then $f$ is injective. If $x,y \in X$ are such that $f(x) = f(y)$, then of course it is also true that $g(f(x)) = g(f(y))$ and by the above identity, $x = y$ which shows injectivity. In your case, $f = \operatorname{d}\gamma_x$ and $g = \operatorname{d}(\pi_M)_{(x,f(x))}$.

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