Why is this considered a proof by strong induction


I am currently working my way through The Book of Proof and I fail to fully grasp the concept of strong induction.

Normal induction makes perfect sense to me, I prove the base case, then I can assume $ \mathcal P(n) $ to be true and prove that $ \mathcal P(n)\to\mathcal P(n+1) $ is true, hence the proof is complete as I can just plug in the first value and the dominoes start falling so to speak.

To my understanding strong induction should work in the same fashion except that we have to proof not only the base case, but a sufficient number of cases and only then can we continue. (For example if I prove that a statement is true for the first 4 cases I can then finish my proof by showing that $ \mathcal P(n-3)\to\mathcal P(n+1) $ is true.) However, in the following proof it feels like this step is being skipped?

Suppose $ A_1,A_2,…A_n $ are sets in some universal set $ U $, and $ n≥2 $. Prove that $ \overline{A_1∩A_2∩···∩A_n}=\overline{A_1}∪\overline{A_2}∪···∪\overline{A_n}. $


  1. The proof is by strong induction. When $ n=2 $ the statement is $
    \overline{A_1∩A_2}=\overline{A_1}∪\overline{A_2} $
    . This is not an
    entirely obvious statement, so we have to prove it […] I am skipping this part here.
  2. Let $ k≥2 $. Assume the statement is true if it involves $ k $ or
    fewer sets. Then

$$ \overline{A_1∩A_2∩···∩A_{k−1}∩A_k∩A_{k+1}}= $$ $$ \overline{A_1∩A_2∩···∩A_{k−1}∩(A_k∩A_{k+1})}= \overline{A_1}∪\overline{A_2}∪···∪\overline{A_{k−1}}∪\overline{A_k∩A_{k+1}}= $$ $$ \overline{A_1}∪\overline{A_2}∪···∪\overline{A_{k−1}}∪\overline{A_k}∪\overline{A_{k+1}}.$$

Thus the statement is true when it involves $ k+1 $ sets. This completes the proof by strong induction.

I can see that $ \overline{A_k∩A_{k+1}} = \overline{A_k}∪\overline{A_{k+1}} $ as we just proved this in the step above, but why can we assume that $ \overline{A_1∩A_2∩···∩A_{k−1}} = \overline{A_1}∪\overline{A_2}∪···∪\overline{A_{k−1}} $ for values $k>2$ ?

Best Answer

We can try to analyse strong induction the same way as normal induction (in fact they are equivalent in "strength"), "step by step".

How does the above prove, for example, the case $n = 5$?

We have the base case $n = 2$.

For $n = 3$, we only use $n = 2$, and the result is proved in the induction step.

Now for $n = 4$, we have the results for $n = 2, 3$, and the induction step uses both and proves it.

If now we analyse $n = 5$, we have already seen that the result is true for $n = 2,3,4$, so the induction step can use all these previous results and prove that case.

Ad infinitum.