Why is the trace of such a simplicial map is zero

algebraic-topologylinear algebra

Given simplicial complexes $K,L$, a map $f:K\to L$ is simplicial if it sends each simplex of $K$ to a simplex of $L$ by a linear map taking vertices to vertices, which means it has form: $\sum_{i}t_i v_i \to \sum_{i} t_i f(v_i)$, where $v_i$ denotes vertex and each $t_i$ is a number.

Now, since $H_n(K)$ and $H_n(L)$ are free abelian groups, we can talk about the trace of induced map on the torsion free part of the groups $f_*: H_n(K)/Torsion \to H_n(L)/Torsion$.

In Hatcher’s, he says that if a simplicial map $g$ satisfies $g(\sigma)\cap \sigma =\emptyset$ for all simplex in $K$, then the matrix for $g_*$ has zeros down the diagonal, thus has trace zero.

I don’t know why this statement holds? If we see vertices as a base since $g$ is a linear map on vertices, it becomes a linear algebra question. But I can’t go further. Hope someone could help. Thanks!

Best Answer

Some context: the question refers to Hatcher's proof of the Lefschetz fixed point theorem. The proof goes like this: Given a finite simplicial complex $X$, he wants to show that if some map $f:X \to X$ has no fixed points, then $\tau(f_*) = 0$. He does this by constructing a map $g$, homotopic to $f$, which is simplicial when considered as a map from some subdivision $K$ of $X$ to itself, such that $g(\sigma) \cap \sigma = \emptyset$ for all simplices $\sigma$ in this subdivision. He further shows that the Lefschetz number $\tau(f)$ can be computed by $$ \tau(f) = \tau(g) = \sum (-1)^n \text{tr} \left( g_*: H_n(K_n, K_{n-1}) \to H_n(K_n, K_{n-1})\right) $$ Then he claims that each summand on the right side is zero. This is what the question is asking about. The group $H_n(K_n, K_{n-1})$ is free abelian, with basis the $n$-simplices of $K$, and the map $g_*: H_n(K_n, K_{n-1}) \to H_n(K_n, K_{n-1})$ will take the generator for an $n$-simplex $\sigma$ to (up to a sign) the generator for the simplex $g(\sigma)$, or to zero if $g(\sigma)$ is not $n$-dimensional. So since $g(\sigma) \cap \sigma$ is empty, the matrix for $g_*$ has zeroes down the diagonal.