Why is the statement “$\Gamma \cup \{ \phi \}$ is inconsistent and $\Gamma \cup \{ \neg \phi\}$ is inconsistent” a contradiction.


Suppose $\Gamma$ is a maximal consistent set of sentences derived from set $\mathscr S$.

I need to demonstrate that the following two statements can not occur simultaneously:

$\Gamma \cup \{ \phi \}$ is inconsistent and $\Gamma \cup \{ \neg \phi\}$ is inconsistent.

It seems to me that I need to somehow show that if this were to be the case, then that means there exists a sequence of sentences belonging to or entailed by (which are the same in this case because $\Gamma$ is maximally consistent) $\Gamma$ such that upon the inclusion of either $\phi$ or $\neg \phi$ I can deduce any sentence $S \in \mathscr S$.

I'm guessing that in the construction of such a sequence (call it $\psi_1 \psi_2 …\psi_n$), I arrive at a contradiction related to $\Gamma$ being maximally consistent. Unfortunately, I cannot figure out how to reveal this contradiction.

Any insight is greatly appreciated!

Best Answer

This is really just a special case of proof by cases:

Suppose $\Gamma\cup\{\varphi\}\vdash\psi$ and $\Gamma\cup\{\neg\varphi\}\vdash\psi$. Then $\Gamma\vdash\psi$.

(In your question, take $\psi$ to be $\perp$: a theory is inconsistent iff it proves $\perp$.)

Depending on your proof system, this may be included explicitly as one of the basic inference rules. (Alternatively, you might deduce it by first using the deduction theorem to rewrite your hypotheses as $\Gamma\vdash\varphi\rightarrow\psi$ and $\Gamma\vdash\neg\varphi\rightarrow\psi$.)

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