Why is the “solving for cubic equation roots general rule” sometimes not applicable while the equation obviously has roots

functionslinear algebraroots

the general rule:

we have $ax^3+bx^2+cx+d=0$






imagine $x^3-6x^2+11x-6=0$

we know its roots are $x=1$, $x=2$ and $x=3$.

but when you use the general rule, you will find a negative $\Delta_1^2-4\Delta_0^3$ and thus; you can't continue the process!

Also, when you use this rule, you will just find ONE real root (remember the last process to find final $x$); while that equation has 3 real roots and no imaginary roots. so how to find the other real roots using the general rule?!

Best Answer

Yuriy's comment is right. The solutions exist, the results you get with those complex radicals are such that all the imaginary parts cancel and, as if by magic, they equal the real roots you knew were there all along.

There are two ways to get around the casus irreducibilis. One way is to cheat and find a rational root (if one exists), allowing you to factor the cubic and get the remaining roots from the quadratic quotient. A variation is in some applications, the cubic equation is constructed in such a way that you know one root, and you can factor with that root. The second approach is to introduce non-algebraic functions, which in this case means trigonometric functions, as described first by Vieta. Details are in the link given above.

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