Why is the relation anti-symmetric

discrete mathematicsrelations

This is a task from my exercise sheet in discrete math that lacks a hindsight.

Put A={1,2,3} and form the relation R on A by putting R={(1,1),(2,2),(1,2),(2,3),(3,1)}.

Investigate if R is antisymmetric.

My attempt:

Anti-symmetry means xRy ^ yRx => x=y. Since we don't have (2,1) (3,2) or (1,3) (which would mean x!=y) in R, but we find (1,1) and (2,2) in R, we draw the conclusion that xRy and yRx only when x=y, which is the condition for anti-symmetry? Would be happy if someone can explain this in a different way. Thank you,

Best Answer

$xRy$ and $yRx \implies x=y$ means that if $x\ne y$ we never have both $xRy$ and $yRx$.

So check each pair:

$\{1,2\}$: We have $(1,2)$ so $1R2$ but not $(2,1)$ so $1\not R2$ so we don't have both.

$\{1,3\}$: We have $(3,1)$ so $3R1$ but not $(1,3)$ so $1\not R3$ so we don't have both.

$\{2,3\}$: We have $(2,3)$ so $2R3$ but not $(2,3)$ so $3\not R2$ so we don't have both.

So it is anti-symmetric.

Finding cases where $xRx$ aren't relevant. If $x=y$ then $xRy$ and $yRx$ are just two ways of saying $xRx$ and if you have $\color{blue}xR\color{red}x$ of course you also have $\color{red}xR\color{blue}x$ because they are the same statement and can't help being "trivially self-symmetric" and are not considered to be an issue to $R$ being symmetric or anti-symmetric.

Another way one can define antisymmetric could be:

Definition 2: For any pair $x\ne y$ it is never the case that both $xRy$ ad $yRx$ is true.

Or Definition 3: For any pair $x\ne y$ then: Whenever we have $xRy$ we do not have $yR x$.

Also note: you don't need either $x Ry$ nor $yRx$. You can have one, or the other, or neither; you just can't have both.

So if $Q= \{(1,1),(2,2),(3,3)\}$ then $Q$ is (vacuously) anti-symmetric as well.

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