Why is the complementary solution in trigonometric terms

ordinary differential equations

So far the complementary solution (that is the solution to the associated homogeneous equation) has only been in the form: $$y(t)=c_1e^{at}+c_2e^{bt}$$ Where $a$ and $b$ are obtained from solving the characteristic equation.

But for: $$4y^{\prime\prime}+y=e^{-2t}\sin({\frac{t}{2}}) + 6t\cos({\frac{t}{2}})$$ The complimentary solution is given as: $$y(t)=c_1\cos(\frac{t}{2}) +c_2\sin(\frac{t}{2})$$

Edit: The characteristic equation to the equation give above is: $$y^2+\frac{1}{4}=0$$ But where does the $\sin\theta$ and $\cos\theta$ come from?

Best Answer

How do you solve for $a$ and $b$? You solve $$4x^2+1=0$$ which has solutions $$x=\pm\frac i2$$ with $i=\sqrt{-1}$. So the complimentary solution is $$Ae^{it/2}+Be^{-it/2}$$ You can now use Euler's formula $$e^{i\theta}=\cos\theta+i\sin\theta$$ to write the complimentary solution as $$\begin{align}Ae^{it/2}+Be^{-it/2}&=A\left(\cos\frac{\theta} 2+i\sin\frac{\theta} 2\right)+B\left(\cos\frac{\theta} 2-i\sin\frac{\theta} 2\right)\\&=(A+B)\cos\frac{\theta} 2+i(A-B)\sin\frac{\theta} 2\end{align}$$ This is your equation if you just write $c_1=A+B$ and $c_2=i(A-B)$.