Why is the area of a square $a^2$ and volume of a cube $a^3$


How area and volume emerge from lower dimensions

This might sound as a silly question but I think there is some hidden complexity behind it. Esentially, my question is how is it possible that:

  1. multiplication of something with essentially no area grants you an object with an area.

  2. multiplication of something with essentially no volume grants you an object with a volume.

The thing is, even if I acknowledge that line segment could have some nonzero but really small area (for example a wooden toothpick), why its according-times multiplication would give me an area of a square? If I put these toothpicks together, they still won't fill the appropriate square (see illustration):


I know, that if I discretize it and assign some fundamental "area value" it would make sense, for example having 4 cabbages in a row and 4 rows in a total gives me 16 cabbages… BUT how to make a sense of it for the case with toothpicks etc.?

Thank you very much!

Best Answer

This is an intuitive answer.

The area of a square of side length $a$ is $a\cdot a$ because the square area may be subdivided into a number of exactly $a\cdot a$ smaller squares that are neither overlapping nor gapped and each small square has a sidelength of 1 and an undetermined area, which we choose to call “unit of area”.

Undetermined as it is, all smaller squares have the same area because they are congruent.

The division of a segment of length a into a number of “a” segments of length $\frac{1}{a}$ is not exactly possible in the real world, however in mathematical terms is possible to be done exactly.

The fact that we call the undetermined area as “unit of area” might seem unrigurous but is not. We simply count in terms of that small area which we regard as a reference.

Same logic applies to volumes.