Why is $\text{Homeo}_p(X)$ not a topological group for $X = \mathbb{R}^2$


Why is $\text{Homeo}_p(X)$, the space of homeomorphisms of $X$ with topology of pointwise convergence and operation of composition not a topological group for $X = \mathbb{R}^2$?

This question was asked before and got an answer here but without proof.

It's clearly a quasi-topological group, the author claims composition is not jointly continuous. I found somewhere it's a topological group for $X = \mathbb{R}$ for example, so the author might be wrong (not sure).

I'm looking for a proof.

Best Answer

Let $g_n(x)= x + (1/n,0)$. This converges pointwise to the identity map.

Let $f_n$ be a homeomorphism that maps the point $(1/n,0)$ to $(1/n,1)$ and is the identity outside of $U_n:=B_{2^{-n}}(\{1/n\}\times[0,1])$. These kind of things can be built by multiplying the vector field $(0,1)$ with an appropriate function that is supported in $U_n$ and equal to $1$ on the interval $\{1/n\}\times[0,1]$ and then taking the flow.

Then for any $x\in\Bbb R^2$ there is an $N$ so that $x\notin U_n$ for $n>N$, and then $f_n$ converges pointwise to the identity map.

But $f_n(g_n((0,0)))=(1/n,1)$ converges to $(0,1)$ and not $(0,0)$.

Basically whats happening is that $f_n$ is always pushing some point close to the origin far away, but as far as pointwise convergence can tell the set on which this happens is being "shuffled out of existence". The function $g_n$ is chosen so that the origin is mapped to this nearby point.

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