Why is symmetry not found in number of paths in a N X N grid not crossing the diagonal


The problem is : find number of paths in N X N grid where you are allowed to move only UP or RIGHT, such that no path crosses the diagonal, i.e. line y = x, if you have to go from point (0, 0) to (N, N). The answer to this problem is Nth catalan number. But this case seems to be highly symmetrical. The diagonal divides the grid in half. So why is it logically wrong to say that the answer to this problem is half of the answer when the restriction of paths not crossing diagonal was not there?

Best Answer

By reflecting paths over the diagonal, one can see that the number of paths that never go below the diagonal equals the number of paths that never go above the diagonal.

However, it's possible for a path to be below the diagonal at one point and above the diagonal at another point, so the total number of paths is greater than twice the Catalan number.

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