Why is $\mu$-measurable set contained in the Borel set


I am reading the final chapter of baby rudin. I have trouble understanding the difference between $\mu$measurable sets and the Borel sets. The remarks on page 309 imply that the latter is contained in the former. But from the way I see it, they are both the collection of sets, which are the final forms of open intervals after undergoing intersections, taking complements and unions. So what exactly are $\mu$measurable sets? And why are the Borel sets $\mu$measurable for every $\mu$?

Best Answer

For any measure $\mu$, remark (a) says that the open sets are $\mu$-measurable. A set $E$ is $\mu$-measurable simply if $\mu(E)$ is defined. Not every set is measurable though.

So the set of measurable sets $\mathfrak{M}(\mu)$ is a $\sigma$-algebra containing the open sets. Since the Borel set is the smallest $\sigma$-algebra containing the open sets, $\mathfrak{M}(\mu)$ must contain all the Borel sets. This is indeed regardless of what measure we start with.

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