Why is $\langle S\mid R\cup R’\rangle $ a presentation for $G/N(R’)$, where $G$ is a group with presentation $\langle S\mid R\rangle?$


Suppose $G$ is a group with presentation $\langle S\mid R\rangle $. By this I mean $G \cong F(S)/N(R) $, where $F(S)$ is the free group generated by the set $S$ and $N(R)$ is the normal closure of the subset $R\subseteq F(S)$.

Let $R'\subseteq G$ be a subset.

Why is $\langle S\mid R\cup R'\rangle $ a presentation for $G/N(R')$?

My intuition tells me that doing $G/N(R')$ is essentially requiring the satisfaction of the additional relations in $R'$, so I should obtain $\langle S\mid R\cup R'\rangle$ (if I interpret $R'$ as a set of words in $F(S)$ (?)).

I guess that starting to work with universal properties would leave me clueless about what's really happening. Can anybody supply a more precise explanation, or sketch out a proof?

Definition: let $S$ be a set and $R\subseteq F(S)$ a subset. A group $G$ is said to have presentation $\langle S\mid R\rangle$ if $G \cong F(S)/N(R)$

Best Answer

Notice that $F(S)$ is a group, $N(R) \trianglelefteq F(S)$, $N(R \cup R') \trianglelefteq F(S)$, and $N(R) \subseteq N(R \cup R')$. By the third isomorphism theorem, $$ \frac{F(S)}{N(R \cup R')} \cong \frac{F(S)/N(R)}{N(R \cup R')/N(R)} $$ or, as presentations, $$ \langle S \mid R \cup R' \rangle \cong \frac{\langle S \mid R \rangle}{N(R \cup R')/N(R)} \text{.} $$ Are you able to show that the only part of $\langle S \mid R \rangle$ that is actually sent to the identity by the quotient on the right is $N(R')$? (In particular, the implicit quotient in $\langle S \mid R \rangle$ has already sent all of $N(R)$ to the identity, so only a subset of $N(R')$ remains to be sent there.)

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