Why is it the case that $\rm\langle Socrates\rangle = Socrates$, while $\rm\{Socrates\}\neq Socrates$


In Nolt's book called Logics (part III, chapter 7, ยง 7.1 Sets and $n$-tuples) one can read:

Ordered one-tuples, unlike unit sets, are the same things as the object they contain. Thus , for example, the one-tuple $\rm (Socrates) = Socrates$; and more generally, for any object $x$, $(x) = x$.

Could you please explain Nolt's (too) short explanation (at least for me)?

Is this explanation a way of saying that a "$1$-tuple" is not a well defined object?

Is there a way to derive the formula $(x) = x$ from the set theoretic definition of an $n$-tuple?

Best Answer

The explanation identifies a $1$-tuple with its object. So while $x$ is generally not the same as $\{x\}$, the $1$-tuple $(x)$ is identified with $x$ itself.

This is perfectly reasonable to do, and so people do it. But does that clash with the set theoretic definition? Well, that depends on your definition of a $1$-tuple to begin with. Since the language of set theory only has $\in$, any definition of $1$-tuples is just a way to interpret this concept of a sequence of length $1$.

Generally, we think about $n$-tuples as functions from $\{0,\ldots,n-1\}$, so a $1$-tuple would be a function from $\{0\}$ into something. But this is not something which is hardcoded into set theory, it's just one way to interpret $n$-tuples. You can do it just as well in a different way, or even explicitly decide this is fine for $n>1$, and for $n=1$, $(x)$ is just $x$ itself (which then raises the question what is a $1$-tuple whose object is a $3$-tuple?).

This is also why we can't require $\{x\}=x$ in general. Since we understand $\{x\}$ as a set whose unique member is $x$. And then $\varnothing\neq\{\varnothing\}$, since exactly one of these has an element. But tuples are looser, since as we see, they are not hardcoded into set theory like singletons.