Why is a matrix multiplied by its adjugate is diagonal

linear algebra

I'm referring to the formula $A\operatorname{adj}(A)=\det(A)I=C$. I understand why we get the determinants on the diagonal, but why does every $c_{ij}$ with $i\neq j$ is zero? I don't seem to get it intuitively and all the proofs I have seen treat it like it is obvious.

Best Answer

In the matrix $A$, for two distinct indices $i,i'$ replace row $i'$ by row $i$ leaving all other rows the same, including row $i.$ Call the new matrix $B.$ Note that B has two idenical rows. Note that along row $i'$, the matrices $A$ and $B$ have the same co-factors. Expand $\det B$ along row $i'$. Since $B$ has two identical rows, its determinant is 0. The elements of $B$ along row $i'$ are the elements of $A$ along row $i$ and the co-factors of $B$ along row $i'$ are the co-factors of $A$ along row $i'$.

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