Why finite condition is needed in absolute continuity for a function


I heard that absolute continuity for measure $\nu$ w.r.t. to $\mu$ where $\nu$ is a signed measure and $\mu$ is a positive measure, is as follows.

If $\nu (E) = 0 $ for every $ E \in \mathcal M $ for which $\mu (E) = 0$

Here, $\mathcal M $ is $\sigma $-algebra.

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But I know that for real line, absolutely continuous for function $f$ is as follows.

For all $ \epsilon > 0 $ , there exist $\delta $ such that whenever finite disjoint intervals $ (a_k , b_k ) $, $ \sum_k (b_k – a_k ) < \delta $ then
$ \sum _{k}|f(b_k)-f(a_k)|< \epsilon $ satisfied.

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I think the signed measure can be considered as a function. Then I wonder why finite condition is needed in the definition of absolute continuous for a function.

Moreover, I saw a theorem that $\nu$ is absolute continuous w.r.t. to $\mu$ iff $ \forall \epsilon >0 \exists \delta$ s.t. $\mu(E) < \delta $ implies $|\nu(E)| < \epsilon$.

Thus, I think, at real line, if I make $E = \cup_{k\in A} (a_k , b_k ) $ for index set $A$, $\nu$ is absolute continuous iff $ \forall \epsilon >0 \exists \delta$ s.t. $ \sum_k (b_k – a_k) < \delta $ implies $|\sum_k ( \nu(b_k) – \nu(a_k) )| < \epsilon$ .

Regarding $\nu$ as a function $f$ , I think finite condition is not needed.

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Can anyone can explain (not need to be rigorously) about finite condition in absolutely continuous?

Best Answer

Makes no difference. We can replace 'finite collection' by 'any collection' of disjoint intervals ...