Why doesn’t $f$ being Lebesgue integrable imply that the Hardy-Littlewood function is integrable


Let $f$ be an integrable function on the reals. Define the Hardy-Littlewood function as $$f^{\ast}(x) = \sup\limits_{x \in B} \frac{1}{m(B)}\int_{B}|f(y)|dy,$$
where the supremum is taken over all balls $B$ containing $x.$ Let $$g(x) = \lim_{m(B) \rightarrow 0} \frac{1}{m(B)}\int _{B} f(y)dy,$$ where $B$ contains $x$.

Now here is the question. Suppose $f$ is a nonnegative function. Is $f^{\ast} = g$ almost everywhere? If true then we must have the maximal function is integrable because the differentiation theorem implies $g(x) = f(x)$ almost everywhere. So if $f$ is Lebesgue integrable, $g$ is integrable hence the maximal function is integrable.

Best Answer

No. By Lebesgue differentiation theorem, $g=f$ almost everywhere. Now let $f(x)=x^2 \mathbf 1_{[-10,10]}\in L^1$. $f\ge 0$. Then, for all $x\in[-9,9]$, a lower bound for $f^*$ is given by $\frac12\int_{x-1}^{x+1} y^2 dy = x^2 + \frac13$. In particular, $f^*>f=g$, at least near $x=0$. Here's a Desmos graph to verify. In fact $f^*(0)=100/3$, which is much larger than $f(0)=0$. You can similarly show that $f^*(x)>f(x)$ for all $x\in(-10,10)$.

In addition, for any $x$ with $|x|>10$, there will always be some (possibly large) ball around $x$ that intersects $[-10,10]$. This implies $f^*(x)>0=f(x)$. In conclusion, $f^*>f$ almost everywhere.

One can make this last part for $|x|>10$ more precise (and this is close to what you might read in a book): the ball of radius $|x|+10$ around $x$ completely contains $[-10,10]$. Consequently, $$f^*(x)>\frac1{2|x|+20}\int_{-10}^{10} y^2 dy \ge \frac{C}{1+|x|}.$$ This proves that $f^*$ is not integrable at infinity.