Why does the symmetry group of a square include only rotations and reflections


Acccording to wikipedia :

the symmetry group of a geometric object is the group of all transformations under which the object is invariant, endowed with the group operation of composition

So why does the symmetry group of a square include only rotations and reflections? If you applied a transformation in the square that for example switched the position of two arbitrary points, it would not be a reflection nor a rotation. So why isn't that transformation included in it's symmetry group?

Best Answer

So why isn't that transformation included in it's symmetry group?

Who says it isn't? In the quoted wiki article we read:

Such a transformation is an invertible mapping of the ambient space which takes the object to itself, and which preserves all the relevant structure of the object.

Most generally the symmetry group of an object is just a set of all auto isomorphisms of that object. The word "relevant" is crucial here and in different context it means different things.

If you look at the square as a set then isomorphism = bijection and your example is valid. If you look at it as a topological space then isomorphism = homeomorphism and your example fails cause switching 2 points is not continuous. If you look at it as a subset of some vector space then isomorphism may mean linear isomorphism. If it is metric space then it may mean isometry and so on and so on...