Why does the function $e^{ix}$ have a real part, without using the Euler’s formula

complex numbersexponentiationfunctionsintuition

I would like to intuitively understand why $e^{ix}$ has a real part, if the the function $e^{ix}$ has an imaginary argument.

I know that
$$e^{ix}=\cos x + i\sin x$$
and I don't need convincing that it is so. I understand how $e^{ix}$ behaves when I rewrite it in the sine/cosine form and that this function can be visualized/illustrated by a circle in complex plane. I also understand how it is derived from Maclaurin series, but it doesn't shed any light on this issue – I see it as "mindless" proof. I struggle to intuitively grasp why this function can even have a real part, when the argument is purely imaginary.

Since this function is also periodic, I also don't understand why it even "falls down" at any point, when $e^x$ does not even have a single stationary point. I assume that it follows from the fact that $i^n$ is periodic, which I comfortably understand, but I can't see how multiplying imaginary number by a real number in an exponent has the same effect.

Side note for context: I am a soon-to-be third semester physics student, in which I am going to have a course on optics, which heavily relies on Euler's formula.

Best Answer

If you can accept that $\frac d{dz}(e^z) = e^z$, here's an intuition I like.

Think of the curve $t\mapsto e^{it}$ in the complex plane. By the chain rule we get $\frac d{dt}e^{it} = ie^{it}$.

Now, remember that multiplying by $i$ geometrically corresponds to rotation by $90^\circ$ (which you can check just by noting that $i\cdot 1 = i$ and $i\cdot i = -1$ and remembering that $\mathbb C$ is $\mathbb R^2$ as real vector space with basis $\{1,i\}$).

We conclude that velocity of our curve is always perpendicular to the position vector. But that means that the curve can't stay on the same line in the complex plane. In particular, the image of the curve can't be contained in the imaginary line $i\mathbb R$.

We can go a step further and even calculate $\frac {d^2}{dt^2} e^{it} = -e^{it}$, so acceleration is always pointed at the origin. If you remember classical physics, this should remind you of uniform circular motion. And that's precisely why the image of our curve is a circle in the complex plane (that's probably circular reasoning, but you asked for intuition anyway).