Topology – Why Dispersion Point Implies Total Path Disconnectedness


In a comment of Fractal of the topologist's sine curve is connected and totally path-disconnected? M W asserts that the existence of a dispersion point, a point for which the removal of results in a totally disconnected space, implies that the space is totally path disconnected (even before the removal). Why must this be the case?

Best Answer

This is not true in general. One needs to assume $X$ is at least $T_1$ in addition.

Ulli has already given a $T_0$ counterexample and a proof for Hausdorff spaces.

Let me add a proof in the case $X$ is only $T_1$.

In this case, suppose $x_0$ is a dispersion point of $X$, so $X\backslash \{x_0\}$ is totally disconnected. Suppose by contradiction $\gamma\colon [0,1]\to X$ is a nonconstant path in $X$. Then since $\{x_0\}$ is closed, $\gamma^{-1}(\{x_0\})$ is closed.

Since $\gamma^{-1}(\{x_0\})$ is closed, its complement is a disjoint union of open intervals, and by total disconnectedness of $X\backslash \{x_0\}$, $\gamma$ is constant on each complementary interval. But then the preimage of any point $x\in \gamma([0,1])\backslash \{x_0\}$ is open, hence not closed, (since $\gamma$ is nonconstant and $[0,1]$ is connected), contradicting the $T_1$ property of $X$.


We cannot replace $T_1$ by any weaker condition here, since if $X$ is not $T_1$, then for some distinct $x,y\in X$ we have $x\in \overline{\{y\}}$, at which point $x$ and $y$ can be connected by the path in Ulli's counter-example: $$\gamma(t)= \begin{cases} x & t=0\\ y & t\neq 0. \end{cases} $$ On the other hand, the existence of a dispersion point $x_0$ already implies $X\backslash \{x_0\}$ is $T_1$, so that verifying the $T_1$ condition in specific cases reduces to establishing that $x_0\notin \overline{\{x\}}$ and $x\notin \overline{\{x_0\}}$ for arbitrary $x\neq x_0$.