Why does the difference $F(b)-F(a)$ give an area below a curved line


So I understand how to calculate integrals and that it's the area under the curve. What I'm struggling to understand is how two points subtracted from one another give the area under a curved line.

For example, if I have a slope function $y=f(x)$, then to find the area under the curve between two points I need to evaluate the definite integral. Why doesn't this definite integral just give me a linear line between the two points that I'm evaluating? How does calcuating the difference between two points give me everything below a curved line?

Best Answer

This stems from one of the "fundamental" theorems of calculus. You are asking, I think, why is it the case that whenever $F'=f$, it follows that we can compute

$$\tag{1}F(b) -F(a) = \int_a^b f(x)dx.$$

The idea is as follows. Define $G(t) = \int_a^t f(x)dx$, so this gives "the area up to a certain time $t$". Then, naturally, you are looking for $G(b)$, but (unfortunately) we do not know how to compute this.

The insight of equation $(1)$ is that the function $G$ can be differentiated, and that its derivative equals $f$. To see why this is the case, we note that

$$ G(t+h)-G(t) = \int_t^{t+h} f(x)dx = h\cdot f(\xi)$$

for some mid-point $\xi\in [t,t+h]$. As $h\to 0$, we see that $\xi\to t$, and assuming $f$ is continuous (which is the case, at least usually in first calculus courses) we get that

$$G'(t) = f(t).$$

The takeaway is that, because any two functions $F$ and $G$ with $F' = G'$ differ by a constant, we see that $F(t) - G(t)$ is constant, and this means that

$$F(b)-G(b) = F(a) - G(a)$$ and a little rearranging (plus $G(a)=0$) shows

$$F(b) - F(a) = \int_a^b f(x)dx.$$

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