Why does the convergence criteria for infinite products imply converges to nonzero value


The convergence criteria for infinite products can be used to check whether the product converges. This convergence is then assumed to be non-zero.

Question – why does convergence indicated by a convergence test imply a non-zero limit?

My previous related questions have had replies which say the definition of a convergent infinite product is that the limit of the partial products is finite and non-zero.

This seems arbitrary and not an answer.

Having spent many hours, I can't see how the derivations of convergence criteria encode a non-zero limit.

I will give an example below of such a derivation.

1. Convergence Criterion for Real $a_n>1$

Since the terms in a convergent infinite product tend to 1, it is useful to write the factors as $(1+a_{n})$.


We can turn a product into a sum by taking the logarithm.


Using $1+x\leq e^{x}$ we arrive at a nice inequality.

$$\ln(P)\leq\sum a_{n}$$

This tells us that if the sum is bounded, the product is bounded too. If the terms $a_{n}$ are always positive, then the sum can only grow monotonically (without oscillation), so the boundedness is convergence. This is a useful result but we can stregthen it.

Expanding out the product $\prod(1+a_{n})$ gives us a sum which includes the terms 1, all the individual $a_{n}$, and also the combinations of different $a_{n}$ multiplied together. This gives us another inequality.

$$1+\sum a_{n}\leq\prod\left(1+a_{n}\right)=P$$

This tell us that if the product converges, so does the sum. The two results together give us our first convergence criterion.

$$\boxed{\sum a_{n}\text{ converges }\Leftrightarrow\prod\left(1+a_{n}\right)\text{ converges, for }a_{n}>0}$$

Note: Nowhere in this derivation is it required that $P\neq 0$

2. Convergence Criterion for Complex $a_n\neq-1$

We start by saying that since $|a_n|>0$, the previous criteria immediately give us:

$$\boxed{\sum|a_{n}|\text{ converges }\Leftrightarrow\prod(1+|a_{n}|)\text{ converges}}$$

which is valid for complex $a_n$.

We are interested in products $\prod(1+a_{n})$ with complex $a_{n}$, not just $\prod(1+|a_{n}|)$. The key to making this leap is the well known fact that if a series converges absolutely, it also converges.

$$\boxed{\sum|a_{n}|\text{ converges }\implies\sum a_{n}\text{ converges}}$$

Let's start with two partial products.

$$p_{N} =\prod^{N}(1+a_{n})$$

$$q_{N} =\prod^{N}(1+|a_{n}|)$$

We need to assert that $a_{n}\neq-1$ to ensure no zero-valued factors $(1+a_{n})$.

For $N>M\geq1$, we can compare $|p_{N}-p_{M}|$ with $|q_{N}-q_{M}|$ with a some simple algebra.

$$\begin{align}\left|p_{N}-p_{M}\right| &=|p_{M}|\cdot\left|\frac{p_{N}}{p_{M}}-1\right| \\
&=|p_{M}|\cdot\left|\prod_{M+1}^{N}(1+a_{n})-1\right| \\
&\leq|q_{M}|\cdot\left|\prod_{M+1}^{N}(1+|a_{n}|)-1\right| \\
&=|q_{M}|\cdot\left|\frac{q_{N}}{q_{M}}-1\right| \\

If $|q_{N}-q_{M}|<\epsilon$, where \epsilon is as small as we want, then $|p_{N}-p_{M}|<\epsilon$ too. This the Cauchy criterion for convergence, and it tells us that if $q_{N}$ converges, so does $p_{N}$.

And we can say $p_N$ converges if $\sum a_n$ converges, which it does if $\sum |a_n|$ converges.

We finally have our third convergence criterion.

$$\boxed{\sum|a_{n}|\text{ converges }\implies\prod(1+a_{n})\text{ converges, for }a_{n}\neq-1}$$

Note: Again, there is nothing in this derivation that requires $p_N$ to converge to a non-zero value.

Example of Use of Criteria to Assert Non-Zero Limit

The Riemann Zeta function can be written as an Euler product:


The above convergence criteria can be used with $|a_n| = |-1/p^s$.


The reason $\sum1/p^{\sigma}\leq\sum1/n^{\sigma}$ is because there are fewer primes $p$ than integers $n$.

Because $\sum1/n^{\sigma}$ converges for $\sigma>1$, so does $\sum|-1/p^{s}|$. This means $1/\zeta(s)$ converges to a non-zero value, and therefore so does $\zeta(s)$.

We can now say the Riemann Zeta function has no zeros in the domain $\sigma>1$.

Note – "converges to a non-zero value" is the contentious statement.

This question is NOT the same as this one Proof that infinite products, if they converge, converge to a non-zero value.

Best Answer

Whenever $\sum |a_n| < \infty, |a_n| < 1/2$, it follows that $1 \ge P_0=\Pi (1 - |a_n|) >0 $ because one can bound $P_0 \ge e^{\sum {-2|a_n|}}>0$; similarly $\infty > P_1=\Pi (1 + |a_n|) \ge 1 > 0$ because $P_1 \le e^{\sum {|a_n|}}< \infty$

This immediately implies that if $\sum |a_n| < \infty, a_n \ne \pm 1$ we have that $Q=\Pi (1 \pm a_n) \ne 0$ (arbitrary choice of signs for each $n$) because if $Q_1$ is the product of the factors of $Q$ where we ignore the finitely many $|a_n| \ge 1/2$ we have that $P_1 \ge |Q_1|\ge P_0$ since $1-|a_n| \le |1 \pm a_n| \le 1+|a_n|$, while convergence of partial products of $Q_1$ follows from the usual absolute convergence implies regular convergence

The factors corresponding to $1 \pm a_n, |a_n| \ge 1/2$ are finitely many and non zero, so do not affect convergence or result non-zero for $Q$ versus $Q_1$

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