Why does limit: $\lim_{x\to\infty}\prod\limits^{\lfloor x\rfloor}_{n=1}\frac{\lceil x\rceil}{\lfloor x\rfloor}=e$


This is for all $x\in\mathbb{R}$ and $x\notin\mathbb{Z}$ because it equals $1$ for all positive integers.

I was just messing around with floor and ceiling functions in Desmos when I came upon this. I have not been able to prove this and it is at the moment only an observation.
To me, this makes absolutely no sense and I have no clue how to begin solving this. When typing it into WolframAlpha, it just gave me an answer of $1$ because it did not exclude integers. It also gave me a partial product formula of $\left(\frac{\lceil x\rceil}{\lfloor x\rfloor}\right)^n$ but this seems like it would not work for $n=\infty$. This is what it looks like in Desmos:
enter image description here
Is anyone able to explain this to me? How do you even prove this? Thanks for the help in advance!

Best Answer

Let $k=\lfloor x\rfloor$

$$\prod\limits^{\lfloor x\rfloor}_{n=1}\frac{\lceil x\rceil}{\lfloor x\rfloor}=\prod\limits^{k}_{n=1}\frac{k+1}{k}=\left( 1+\frac1k\right)^k$$


$$\lim_{x\to\infty\land x\notin\mathbb N}\prod\limits^{\lfloor x\rfloor}_{n=1}\frac{\lceil x\rceil}{\lfloor x\rfloor}=\lim_{k\to\infty}\left( 1+\frac1k\right)^k=e$$

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