Why does inverting with respect to the incircle sends the circumcircle to the nine-point circle of the contact triangle


Let $ABC$ be a triangle with incenter $I$ and $DEF$ is the contact triangle of $ABC$ (Edited, the previous definition of $D,E,F$ was wrong). Consider an inversion with respect to the incircle of $\triangle ABC$. Why does the circumcircle of $ABC$ maps to the nine point circle of $DEF$ by this inversion? I need to show that if $A^{*}$ ,$B^{*}$, $C^{*}$ are the images of $A,B,C$ then $A^{*}$ ,$B^{*}$, $C^{*}$ lie on the nine point circle of $DEF$, but why is that true?

Best Answer

We will use the known fact that given an inversion $*$ with respect to a circle $\omega$, then for any point $A$ outside $\omega$, $A^{*}$ is the midpoint of the tangency points from $A$. Using this fact, we get that in our case $A^{*}$ is the midpoint of $EF$ (as $E,F$ are the tangency points from $A$ to the incircle). Similarly, $B^{*}$,$C^{*}$ are the midpoints of $DE,DF$ respectively. Therefore, by inverting with respect to the incircle, the circumcircle of $ABC$ maps to the circumcircle of $A^{*}B^{*}C^{*}$, which is the circle passing through the midpoints of $EF,DF,DE$ or in other words the nine-point circle of the triangle $DEF$.

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