Why does Desmos not render graphs like this properly


I was trying to show some students the graph of $y=4- \ln (2-x)$ today on Desmos.

enter image description here

Unfortunately we can see from the picture below that the graph does not render correctly around the asymptote and appears to 'stop' at around $y=40$. This same behaviour happens when we try to plot the graph on a graphical calculator so I wonder what it is about this graph that is causing this?


Best Answer

Like (almost) everything, Desmos is not perfect.

The "term" for this is unresolved detail, as Desmos calls it. This is what an official Desmos FAQ officially says about this:

Sometimes the calculator detects that an equation is too complicated to plot perfectly in a reasonable amount of time. When this happens, the equation is plotted at lower resolution.

For more on Desmos, I answered a similar question here. Also, here is a slightly less trusted website (Reddit) but it does have a great example of what you were experiencing.