Why does $C^\infty(\Omega)$ have the Heine-Borel property



I'm struggling to understand the examples at the end of the first chapter of Rudin's Functional Analysis. I will focus the post on $C^\ii(\W)$ as hopefully getting a grasp of $C^\ii(\W)$ will clarify the spaces $C(\W)$ and $\mathcal{D}_K$.

An original post with all my questions on $C^\ii(\W)$ was closed due to lack of focus, so on the current post I will focus on proving $C^\ii(\W)$ has the Heine-Borel property. Below I try to to fill in the gaps in the proof given. I then write my doubts on the proofs and include pictures of the relevant book excerpts.

Theorem: $C^\ii(\W)$ has the Heine-Borel property.

Proof: let $E\sbe C^\ii(\W)$ be closed and bounded. We wish to show $E$ is compact.

   a) There are numbers $M_N < \ii$ such that
$$p_N(f) \le M_N \iff
\sup_{\substack{x\in K_N\\ |\a|\le N}} \{|D^\a f(x)|\} \le M_N.$$

   b) Fix $\b$ and $N$ with $|\b|\le N-1$. The family $\mathcal{F}_{\b,N}$ of functions
$$\{ D^\b f : f\in E\}$$
is equicontinuous on $K_{N-1}$ i.e. for any $\e>0$ there is a $\d>0$ such that
$$d(x,y)< \d \implies |D^\b f(x) – D^\b f(y)| < \e$$
for any $x,y\in K_{N-1}$ and $D^\b f\in\mathcal{F}_{\b,N}$.

   c) Since $\mathcal{F}_{\b,N}$ is pointwise bounded and equicontinuous on $K_{N-1}$, Ascoli's Theorem (and its corollary) implies that $\mathcal{F}_{\b,N}$ is compact and that every sequence in $\mathcal{F}_{\b,N}$ contains a uniformly convergent subsequence. Therefore $E$ is compact.

My questions:

Firstly: are my outlines of Rudin's proof correct? If at any point I'm deviating from the argument in the book, please let me know.

   b) Why is $\mathcal{F}_{\b,N}$ equicontinuous on $K_{N-1}$?

   c) While I understand the rest of the paragraph, I do not see why the last sentence "Therefore $E$ is compact" follows.

The main passage in question (regarding $C^\ii(\W)$:

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The main results used:

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Best Answer

(b) This follows from the mean value theorem. Since $K_{N-1}$ is contained in the interior of $K_{N}$ you can cover it by finitely many open balls $B(x_1,r_1), \ldots, B(x_m,r_m)$ which are contained in $K_{N}$. Since each of these balls are convex, for every $\xi,\eta\in B(x_i,r_i)$ you have $$\partial^\beta(\xi)-\partial^\beta(\eta) = \langle\nabla(\partial^{\beta})(t\xi+(1-t)\eta), \xi-\eta\rangle$$ for some $t\in[0,1]$. Since $|\nabla(\partial^{\beta})(x)|\leq C \max_{|\alpha|=N}\sup_{x\in K_N} |\partial^\alpha(x)|$ you obtain $$|\partial^\beta(\xi)-\partial^\beta(\eta)| \leq C_{\beta,i} |\xi-\eta|.$$ Now taking the maximum of these constants gives you what you need.

(c) Pick a sequence in $(f_i)_i$ in $E$ and note that by compactness of the $\mathcal{F}_{\beta,N}$ for every $N$ you can find a subsequence $(g_{k}^1)$ such that $\partial^\beta g_{k}^{1}$ converges uniformly on $K_{1}$ for $|\beta|\leq 1$. Now repeat this process for $(g_{k}^1)$ to obtain a subsequence $(g_{i}^2)$ with the property that $\partial^\beta g_k^2$ converges uniformly on $K_2$ for $|\beta|\leq 2$ and so on. Now $(g_k^k)_{k\in\mathbb{N}}$ is a subsequence of $(f_i)_i$ with the property that $\partial^\beta f_k$ converges uniformly on all compact subset of $\Omega$ for all $\beta$.

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