Why do we want Dedekind rings to be integral closed


As I understand, the idea of Dedekind domains is motivated by the wish to factorize ideals into prime ideals.
Dedekind rings are supposed to:

  • be noetherian, which makes sense because that ensures that the factorization is finite;

  • have every prime ideal to be a maximal ideal, which makes sense because we want to factorize into prime ideals, so they need to be "very" big.

  • integral closed.

Can anybody give me an intuitive idea about why we need that property?

Best Answer

One of the things that you want in Dedeking rings is that you have nice ideal factorisation properties. In particular, multiplication by a nonzero ideal should be injective.

Suppose $R$ is a commutative ring. Let us look at an element $x/y$ of its field of fractions who happens to be a solution of a monic polynomial equation :

Let $x,y \in R$ and $a_k \in R$ for $k=0 \ldots n-1$ and suppose the equation $x^n = \sum a_k x^k y^{n-k}$ is true.

Now consider $I = (x,y)$, the ideal generated by $x$ and $y$. Then, $I^n = (x^n,x^{n-1}y, \ldots, xy^{n-1},y^n)$. But, because of that equation, the first generator is superfluous, and so $I^n = (x^{n-1}y,\ldots, xy^{n-1},y^n)$. If you look at this ideal carefully, you get $I^n = (y)I^{n-1}$.

Now, if you want your ideals to have nice factorization properties, and if $I$ is nonzero you would want $(y) = I$. Since $I = (x,y)$, this is equivalent to $x \in (y)$, so that there exists a $z \in R$ such that $x=yz$, or also that $x/y \in R$.

Therefore if you want nice ideal factorisations, you need $R$ to be integrally closed.

(checking that a few ideals factor as they should is also what I do when I want to check if a ring is integrally closed)

Also, wikipedia lists various alternative definitions, some of which place the focus on ideal factorization :
"every proper ideal factors into primes"
"every nonzero fractional ideal is invertible"

Those may be more to your liking.