Why do we need to determine the definiteness of the Hessian to decide what a critical point is


In univariate calculus, if we know that $f'(c)=0$, we can determine if the function $f$ has a minimum at $c$ by checking that $f''(c) > 0$. The multivariate analogue of the second derivative is the Hessian matrix. I now learned that to decide between extreme and saddle points in this case, it has to be checked whether the Hessian is positive definite, negative definite or indefinite. This can be achieved by checking its eigenvalues.

I have several questions regarding this:

  1. Why is it not sufficient to check the sign of the values in the Hessian, but we need to check for definiteness?

  2. Does the definiteness just make sure some convexity or concavity properties check out, or is there a more meaningful interpretation of that?

  3. How do the eigenvalues of a matrix tell us its definiteness?

  4. Addendum: What do the off-diagonal entries in the Hessian even mean? How the slope in a certain dimension changes by making changes in a different dimension?

Best Answer

The proof of the second derivative test at a critical point ($Df_a = 0$) runs as follows: for a given sufficiently smooth map $f: \Bbb{R}^n \to \Bbb{R}$, and a point $a \in \Bbb{R}^n$, we write a second order Taylor expansion at the point $a$: \begin{align} f(a+h) - f(a) &= \dfrac{1}{2}(D^2f_a)(h,h) + o(\lVert h\rVert^2). \end{align} In other words, there is a "remainder term", which is a function $\rho$, such that $\lim_{h \to 0} \rho(h) = 0$, and \begin{align} f(a+h) - f(a) &= \dfrac{1}{2}(D^2f_a)(h,h) + \rho(h) \lVert h\rVert^2. \end{align} If the Hessian $D^2f_a$ is positive definite say, then there is a positive constant $\lambda$ such that for all $h \in \Bbb{R}^n$, $D^2f_a(h,h) \geq \lambda \lVert h\rVert^2$ (with equality if and only if $h=0$). Hence, \begin{align} f(a+h) - f(a) &\geq \dfrac{\lambda}{2} \lVert h\rVert^2 + \rho(h) \lVert h\rVert^2 \\ &= \left( \dfrac{\lambda}{2} + \rho(h)\right) \lVert h\rVert^2. \end{align} Since $\rho(h) \to 0$ as $h \to 0$ and $\lambda > 0$, the term in brackets will be strictly positive if $h$ is sufficiently small in norm. Hence, for all $h$ sufficiently small in norm, $f(a+h) - f(a) \geq 0$ (with equality if and only if $h =0$). This is the proof for why a positive-definite Hessian implies you have a strict local minimum at a critical point $a$.

Of course, a similar proof holds for a negative-definite Hessian implying a strict local maximum.

Roughly speaking, the idea of the proof is that the local behaviour of $f(a+h) - f(a)$ is entirely determined by the behaviour of the Hessian, in the term $D^2f_a(h,h)$ (because the error term is "small"). So, to answer your questions,

  1. The proof of the theorem above shows that we need to ensure that the entire term $D^2f_a(h,h)$ is positive (in fact bounded below by a positive multiple of $\lVert h \rVert^2$), so that we can conclude that $f(a+h) - f(a) \geq 0$. But just because an $n \times n$ matrix has all positive entires, it doesn't mean it is positive-definite (Robert's answer gives an explicit counter example).

  2. Hopefully the proof I gave above justifies why definiteness comes into play (it's to ensure you have a good lower/upper bound on the $D^2f_a(h,h)$ term).

  3. A matrix is positive(negative) definite if and only if all its eigenvalues are strictly positive (strictly negative). If there are some positive and some negative, then the matrix is indefinite. If this is the case for your Hessian, it means you have a saddle point (because the function is increasing along some directions while decreasing along others).