Why can’t Wolfram Alpha calculate $\int_0^{2\pi}\sqrt{(a-\cos\theta)^2+\sin^2\theta}\ d\theta$

definite integralswolfram alpha

In this answer to How is the average distance between 2 objects orbiting around a third object calculated? I had to integrate

$$\int_0^{2 \pi}\sqrt{(a-\cos \theta)^2 + \sin^2 \theta} \ d\theta.$$

I tried to find the integral analytically with Wolfram Alpha but it returned an error message:

Standard computation time exceeded…

which surprised me; I'd figured that this was known and easily looked-up by the site.

Does this mean that there is no known analytical form for this definite integral? Or for some reason is it particularly challenging?

Wolfram Alpha chokes on a simple definite integral

Best Answer

It is not an error message but just "Standard computation time exceeded".

What you should have obtained is $$I=\int_0^{2 \pi}\sqrt{(a-\cos (\theta))^2 + \sin^2 (\theta)} \ d\theta=$$ $$I=2 \left(\sqrt{(a-1)^2} E\left(-\frac{4 a}{(a-1)^2}\right)+\sqrt{(a+1)^2} E\left(\frac{4 a}{(a+1)^2}\right)\right)$$ provided, if $a$ is a real, that $$\Re(a (a+2))>-1\land \Re((a-2) a)>-1$$ where appear ellptic integrals of the second kind. In fact, this reduces to $$I=4(a+1)E\left(\frac{4 a}{(a+1)^2}\right)$$

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