Why can’t two planes be orthogonal in $R^3$

linear algebraorthogonalityvector-spaces

I think my confusion comes from not knowing the difference between orthogonal and orthogonal subspaces.

So according to this, two planes can't be "orthogonal" in $R^3$. How does having more than three dimensions resolve this?

I think the argument is two planes can't be orthogonal subspaces to each other because their intersection is a line, so if we take any two vectors on that line dot them together, we won't have a zero dot product.

However, two planes can be geometrically orthogonal to each other right? For example, the xy and xz planes are perpendicular, so they must be orthogonal to each other right?

Can someone explain why having more than three dimensions means we can have orthogonal plane subspaces? Don't we still have the same problem as before?

Best Answer

In the case of orthogonal planes, the requirement is that each plane has a basis of two orthogonal vectors and that one of the vectors of each pair is shared between the two planes and the other vector of each pair form a pair orthogonal to each other. Here we have three mutually orthogonal vectors in three dimensional space.

In the case of orthogonal planes as subspaces, we require that each vector of each pair is orthogonal to each vector of the other pair. This requires the dimension of the ambient space to be at least $\,2+2=4.$